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My Questions application is an application for teachers, and its goal is to help teachers create questions and answers based on the instructions in each box, as there are effects associated with each box, as the first box is for entering the question and the remaining three boxes are for entering 3 answers, two of which are wrong and one is correct, and the application contains many different pages in the design.

- The in-app purchases within the app:
The first page gives an example of the rest of the pages that you will buy, where instead of making one question and its options, you can make many questions after purchasing access to these pages. So, how can you get access to these pages? This will be through: There is yellow rectangel button: (اضغط هنا لشراء الصفحات المتبقية) at the top of the first page, which means moving to the next page. When you click on this arrow, you cannot move to the next page until after the purchase process, and I will explain that in the attached video.

- Steps that the user need to perform to use the app features and access the created questions:

1- When the user wants to write questions, he must use the first inputfield to enter the question and the remaining three to enter the answer options (2 wrong options and one correct, depending on the written placeholder because the effect placed on the option depends on whether it is correct or incorrect) and After writing the questions and answers according to the instructions written in advance in (placeholder), the user clicks on the (اضغط هنا لترى النص على الشاشة ) button, which is the first red button on the right, as this button saves what was written in playerprefs to return to what was written at another time with the effects applied.

2- If the user wants to delete what is written or wants to change the question, all he has to do is click on the (حذف النص ) button, which is the second red button, as all the words written in the boxes are deleted and allowed to write question and answers again.

3- when he closes the application and reopens it the next day and wants to retrieve what he wrote without needing to rewrite, he presses the ((اضغط هنا لتحميل النصوص المكتوبه مسبقا) buttonThen if he has more than one question and wants to write them in one presentation, he will not be able to write all the questions in one slide because if he wrote them in one slide, on the second day if he wanted to retrieve them, only the last question written will be retrieved because the single slide saves the last thing the user wrote in playperf, so he needs to move to the rest of the slides (pages) and he will not be able to move to them until he buys the rest of the pages and that is only once.

4-If the user wants to go to the previous page, he must click on the ( انتقل للصفحة السابقة)button
5-If the user wants to go to the next page, he must click on the ( انتقل للصفحة التالية)button
6-If the user wants to go to the menue page, he must click on the ( انتقل للقائمة الرئيسة )button that contaion these five rectangles ( طبيعة خلابه ،مدينتنا الجميله،لعب ومرح ،أهلا رمضان ،اليوم الوطني السعودي) ،Each of these rectangles will indicate an idea of ​​what the backgrounds of the question templates inside it will be like. For example, a rectangle (طبيعة خلابه) will indicate background designs that focus on nature behind the existing question templates, and so on.